Xero features you might have missed

Following on from our Xero features blog in June we look at more of the functionality that is available to you within Xero focusing on the Accounting and Contact areas. Some of the functionality you might not have encountered yet.

Income and expense by Contact

There are two variations of this report. The new combined version shows your expense and income from a specific contact, the two amounts are separated into the income and expense categories. The old variation of these reports can still be used and show the same information but one report will focus on the Income whereas the other will focus on the expenses. The new report allows for all the information to be seen in one place.

Income and Expenses by Contact

Income by Contact

Expense by Contact

Account Transactions

The account transactions report provides a detailed explanation of each of the transactions that have been entered into Xero. The newer version of this report offers more functionality for filtering the data.

Account Transactions

Business Performance

The business performance report allows you to see a snapshot of business over the past 12 months. The graphs show information such as current ratio, gross profit etc. These can be hidden to show the most relevant to you.

Business Performance

Smart Lists

Smart lists are found within the contacts area of Xero and they allow you to find and list your customers based on specific categories such as their purchases, payments or on their location.

Smart lists


Xero projects allow you to track the time and expenses of your work. This allows for a simpler process for quoting for your work and also seeing how profitable your projects are in real-time.

Xero Projects


Tracking categories could be compared to having department codes or cost centres. You can set up tracking codes so that you can see side by side how different parts of your business are doing. These categories compile all the expenses and income for that specific area of the business.

Tracking Categories


All that glisters… R&D Tax Credits


Growth Shares