Service Agreements
Here are the individual terms related to the specific services you have signed up for.
Financial Systems Set Up and Review
Financial Systems Set Up and Review takes place over the first four weeks of our engagement and forms the foundation of work done thereafter. We will need you to be available for three meetings in this process
Xero (Accounting Software)
We will be providing Xero subscription to your business. At the time of termination of our Engagement with you and on settlement of all outstanding fees we will transfer Xero Subscription to you. We reserve the right to withhold transfer if fees are not settled. If you inform us that you do not wish to maintain the Xero Subscription we will extract all data into a General Ledger and email it to you and terminate your Xero Account. If we do not hear from you whether you want to maintain your Xero Account for more than one month, we will assume you no longer require it, extract the data and close the account.
App Stack - DEXT, Fluidly, GoalDriver
Our three apps will be set up for your business on signing your Letter of Engagement. Fluidly provided at its basic level of functionality. All subscriptions can be transferred to you on request
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will be bookkeeping service using Xero and Dext. We run a rolling bookkeeping service processing purchase records on Dext and reconciling Xero at least once per week and often on a daily basis.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: Where we have queries we will email these to you. From time to time we will also review debtors and creditors and other balances to ensure no mistakes have been made.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: We will need you to set up Direct Bank feeds / refresh bank feeds and send receipts to Dext on a day by day basis. We need you to respond to emails in a timely way.
WHEN WE NEED IT: We need the above from you in a reasonable timescale for the amount of work.
Payroll: Fixed Salary Employees
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will run montly payroll and submit RTI to HMRC. Payslips will be sent to you and where email addresses are provided payslips will be emailed to employees. Details for making payment of PAYE and NI will also be sent to you. As required P45s will be provided to employees leaving employment. We will also submit all End of Year reports to HMRC and send employees P60s.
Our normal pay day is 25th of the month. Alternative pay days can be arranged.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: You will need to distribute payslips to employees for whom we do not have email addresses, pay the net pay and pay HMRC the NI and PAYE due by the 22nd of the month following the payrun.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: We need your employees details, pay for the month.
WHEN WE NEED IT: We need this information at least one day before the 25th of the month or the arranged pay day.
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will work with you to identify any taxable benefits and expenses paid to employees and Directors. We will then prepare P11d, P11d(b) and where necessary Section 336 to be submitted to HMRC by P11d deadline on 6th July.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: You will need to pay any NI liability to HMRC by the 6th of July and send Section 336 forms to the address we will provide.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: We need you to respond to our email identifying areas of benefit to employees and directors and respond to queries in identifying the correct transactions that need to be reported.
WHEN WE NEED IT: We need this information at least 2 weeks before our deadline of 6th July.
Auto-Enrolment Administration
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will assess new employees, Opt In or Opt Out employees from the scheme and file pension contributions as deducted on Xero payroll to your pension provider.
WHEN WE WILL PROVIDE IT: This will be done within 5 working days of your paryoll having been submitted to HMRC.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: For new employees you will receive assessment letters to distribute to them. For Opt Ins and Opt Outs you will receive instructions from us on anything that needs to be communicated to employees. Pension contributions will normally be processed by Direct Debit.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: Once Auto-Enrolment is set up no information is needed from except for payroll information. If we are running the payroll no information will needed but if you run payroll we need to know when payroll has been completed for the month.
WHEN WE NEED IT: The deadline for filing pension contributions depends on the set up of the pension. We will need payroll to be run 5 working days before this deadline.
Annual Accounts & Corporation Tax Return
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: Micro Entity Accounts will be prepared in accordance with accounting standard FRS105. A Corporation Tax Return will also be prepared with a tax calculation. These will be filed with the appropriate authorities (HMRC and Companies House)
WHEN WE WILL PROVIDE IT: We will prepare Annual Accounts and CT600 for filing within one month of receiving all the information required. The deadline for filing your accounts is 9 months from you accounting year end (see diary). The deadline for filing Corporation Tax is 12 months after year end, however your Corporation Tax must be paid within 9 months of your year end. Since your Annual Accounts are required to file your Corporation Tax the effective deadline for you annual accounts is 9 months from your accounting year end.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: You will receive a full set of accounts, Corporation Tax Return and tax calculation to print on pdf and a summary sheet. We will ask you to approve them, sign them, send the signed copy back to us by email as a pdf, these accounts will then be used in preparation of your corporation tax and self-assessment tax return.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: A variety of information is needed to complete your accounts and this will be sent out within one week of your year end. We will also need your help in resolving queries during our preparation of the accounts. Our email need to be answered within three working days to meet our one month deadline for completing accounts.
WHEN WE NEED IT: We will complete accounts within one month of receiving all the information to guarantee meeting the filing deadline of Corporation Tax we therefore need this information within 8 months of your year end.
VAT Returns
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will prepare VAT returns, email them to you for your approval and file them at HMRC. We will also provide advice on switching to VAT schemes such as Flat Rate, Cash Accounting and Annual Accounting Schemes.
WHEN WE WILL PROVIDE IT: VAT returns are due one month and 7 days after the quarter end. Provided that bookkeeping information has been provided to us within 21 days of the VAT period end we will prepare the VAT return by the end of each month.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: We will need your bookkeeping. We will need your approval to file the VAT return within two days of getting our emailed file. You will need to pay HMRC by the due date (one month and 7 days following the quarter end. NB allow time for payment transfers to reach HMRC)
WHEN WE NEED IT: We will need the bookkeeping records by the 21st of the month following the quarter end and your approval two days before the due date. Where information is provided less than 7 days before the VAT deadline we cannot guarantee to meet the VAT deadline.
Pre-Year End Business Tax Planning Review
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will review business tax to ensure that your business is set up for tax in the way that suits you best. Our tax planning review will take place 1 - 2 months before the financial year end.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: We will email you to let you know this has been done and provide any recommended changes or points for discussion.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: We need you to respond to any points for us to clarify by email and instruct us in writing to carry out any recommendations.
WHEN WE NEED IT: We will let you know in advance when we need this from you.
Confirmation Statement
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will send you an email in the weeks preceeding your deadline and ask for any changes. Once we have these your Confirmation Statement will be filed at
WHEN WE WILL PROVIDE IT: We will file your Confirmation Statement by the deadline set by Companies House.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: You will receive an email from us confirming it has been filed.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: We any changes to registered address, Directors, Directors contact details, People of Significant Control, shareholdings.
Registered Address Service
We can provide a registered address for your business and forward any post to you. Post will be forwarded to you within 14 days of its arrival.
Dividend Paperwork
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will prepare an updated balance sheet including provision for Corporation Tax. We will advise you on your maximum dividend and once agreed dividend vouchers and board meeting minutes to record your decision.
WHEN WE WILL PROVIDE IT: This will be provided within 5 working days of receiving a dividend request.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: We will send you dividend vouchers and board meeting minutes which you may have to amend for meeting location and time as appropriate.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: All we need from you is notification that you would like to vote a dividend. WHEN WE NEED IT: We need 5 working days notice to complete our process before you pay the dividend.
Self Assessment Tax Return
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will complete a draft Self Assessment Tax Return for each person and send it to you for approval. Once approved we will file it online.
WHEN WE WILL PROVIDE IT: Filing for Self Assessment is due by 31st Jan in the year following the tax year end. We will file this within one month of receiving all the information as set out below. We cannot guarantee to file by the 31st Jan deadline if information is received after 31st Dec.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: You will receive a summary of your Self-Assessment Tax Comp and a copy of the Self Assessment Tax return. We will ask you to approve them, sign them, send the signed copy back to us by email as a pdf, we will then file the Self-Assessment Tax Return with HMRC. You will then need to pay your tax liabilities at the relevant deadlines (first payment on account due 31st Jan, second payment on account due 31st July, balancing payment due 31st Jan following accounting year end)
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: A variety of information is needed to complete your Self Assessment depending on your personal situation. For example some people will have property income or dividend income whilst other will not. At the year end we will go through a questionnaire with you over the phone to determine what we require from you and email you a list.
WHEN WE NEED IT: We need this information by end of May following the year end.
Personal Tax Planning
WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE: We will complete the tax planning review internally and email you with any recommendations for your personal tax. This will be done within 1 month of the tax year end.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: If you would like us to action any of the recommendations we are making you will email us to inform us.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: Normally we will not need any information from you and will base our planning on your latest Self Assessment, but if there are circumstances we are not aware of that affect your tax we will need to know in writing.
WHEN WE NEED IT: We need this information by 31st Dec
Ad Hoc Email and Telephone Support
Ad Hoc Email and Telephone Support covers queries and requests for all services you have engaged us to provide but unfortunately we are not able to deal with support requests where we are not providing services.
We will respond to queries within 24 hours of receiving them.
Tax Investigation Protection
In order to benefit from our Tax Investigation Protection all that is required is that HMRC correspondence concerning the investigation is provided to us.
HR, Health and Safety, Commercial Law Helplines
To access Croner Taxwise Helpline for HR, Health and Safety and Commercial Law call 0844 892 2807 and quote code CRT82623.
Registration Fee
Co- charges a one-off registration fee to come on board as a client.
Co- Guarantee
We see becoming your accountant as a partnership with the intention of making your goals a reality in the enterprise you run. You can count on us to deliver outstanding value to your business.
If we make a mistake, we will be in communication quickly, openly and do whatever we can to make good the situation. If you get a penalty or fine with HMRC that is down to an error on our part, we will pay that fine.
While we pride ourselves in a fresh approach we take our professionalism seriously. All our account managers are trained to Accounting Technician level as a minimum. A Chartered Accountant will oversee any aspect of accounting or tax advice that your account manager is not qualified to deal with. All our account managers undertake on-going training and development to keep their expertise at the standard you would expect. As part of our professional standards we promise integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and due care in all our dealings.
At a practical level we will deal with all telephone calls and emails within two working days and honour any agreements we make for dealing with business affairs.
Lastly but by no means least, we will respond imaginatively to your needs, bringing an open and engaged attitude to your business, the problems and opportunities it faces.