Get the most out of your website
This month we have been working on getting more out of our website. We share some the work we have done.
New home page layout
One of the starting points was to make the homepage more interactive and have more content for users coming to the website. Working with WRB Design we put together a page that had the same feel as before but allowed us to point to more ‘calls to action’. For example a key action we wanted people to take was to book a call with us and this link is now much more prominent.
Bringing out the menu to the top of the page again meant that there would always be the next step to direct users to find out more about us, read our blogs or contact us. With the page only being updated for a week we are already seeing the impact with users using this link to book in calls with us.
What is the next step?
We were mindful that we need to be directing the customer to the next step, whether that was to download a guide, read a blog, follow us on social media or book in a call with us.
We tried to think through a plausible pathway from a customer being aware of our service to finally buying from us. We imagined what visitors would do on the site and did our best to lay out the next steps like breadcrumbs along the trail to making an informed decision about our service.
Search Engine Optimisation
SEO is a complex aspect of marketing to understand but when it works it can be extremely beneficial to your site. As with many things it starts with looking at your customers: Who are they? What are they searching for? Once you have identified the keywords and phrases that you want to be known for you can start implementing this into the site.
For example at Co- we are hoping to attract for small businesses in South London so our keywords/phrases are “South London Accountant”, “Small Business Accountant” or “Accountant near me”.
Identifying the search terms that are most likely to bear fruit is an art in itself. Google Console and Google Adwords have excellent tools for this part of the process.
To make sure we hit these searches our site needs to show to the website crawlers (software) that we are accountants in the south London area. These keywords and phrases then need to be shown across the website as much as possible, in blogs, specific pages wherever it would make sense. The more pages these appear, the more likely your site will be pushed higher up the searches and ideally onto page one.
We’ve also been working on getting links to our website from other websites as this is a tried and tested way to climb Google’s rankings.
Page loading speed
We started looking at the speed of the website after following Hubspot’s free course on website optimization. We looked at page insights which provided information on the site load speed for both mobile and desktop. Using a lot of images can cause the site to slow down due to their size, so we found using TinyPNG which compresses images to save space and loading time per page.
Having a faster loading site can allow a site to appear higher up on search engines as it shows that the site is high performing and will be seen by more people as a result.
Having content that is both relevant and engaging to people visiting the site is key. Recently we have put together a download on our Five Flow Foundations that follow the methodologies behind the Improving the Number meetings that we have with current clients.
This provides two functions, the first being to have content that visitors can engage with and take away from the site and put into use from this we aim to have people come back and ask us questions to find out more. The second part of this is we collect some data from them so that we can keep in contact and give them more information to be helpful to them with issues that they may be encountering.
Our upcoming blog will go further into the download.
And Finally…
No site is perfect there is always something more that you can be doing to get more engagement from your customers. Getting the basics sorted first will make the site work harder for you and increase the leads that come through.